Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Activism now!

Both documentaries and the reading illustrate pretty well what is this networking revolution about. Because I’m international, watching this kind of videos of people protesting and having troubles with the military or cops that tried to suppress acts of rebellion towards the government are not so unusual as is in the States. I actually, value the power of manifest and rise your voice against something that you disagree, even though it might not be what I believe or share my own values, I defend the right to express yourself freely and peacefully. Sadly, and as you can see in these two examples, both kind of manifestation provoke some sort of violence.
So we can better understand what activism is, I look up the word in the dictionary and is defined, “the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.” Because of this definition and how is explained in the text and, showed in the two documentaries in order to have activism there should be some sort of reaction, and counter reaction against what is being put into attention.

In the case of the documentary about Kony this is an example of activism and true rebellion because is sudden, violent, and call some political involvement.  The video viral and by the fourth day on YouTube over 30 million people already have watched and learn about this character. As the director would say, “ We are going to make Kony famous.” Not because he is a good guy, but because he is one of the most terrible assassins in the planet, and we need to stop him. Jason Russel the director of this film use media to raise his voice, and give a voice to the voiceless. Also made a call of action to actively participate in his non-profit organization. He also described the power of Internet saying “Right now there are more people on Facebook than there were on the planet 200 years ago. Humanities greatest desire is to belong and connect and now we see each other. We hear each other.” Putting this information in the audience power, he put Kony into our own hands. As the reading said “Movement  are local and global at the same time.”
 This documentary travel all around the world, meaning that now that we’ve seen this documentary, is in us to really do something about helping with this cause, whether we are concern or not.

All this huge campaign provoke many reactions, one violent spread, and another violent critic from the people who watched it, criticizing the director for profiting and using most of the money to support his own non-profit.  Those are the perks of direct democracy; people would react, and would do it immediately.

All this fuss, provoke a violent revolution in Internet, which was taken to the street to manifest and ask for answers about Kony.  Another example  about some similar case, is the A Death of Tehran, on the contrary of the Kony example, the  protests, and  other kind of movements started on the street, and where taken to the media to create collective conscience about the things that were going on in Iran.  Usually this is the most popular way that most of third world countries or countries that still have direct democracy would manifest their opinion by protests.  This documentary is about the examination of  the death of Neda Agha-Soltan and the protests against the controversial 2009 Iranian presidential election. The polemic death of Neda Agha- Soltan lighted the fire of  the people who was protesting and this documentary keep alive her memory, as a martyr and a symbol of the cause  in the people against the government  and its supporters.  What internet and PBS made with this documentary was taking something local becoming a universal issue. Another important thing that internet made trough the You tube video of this woman dying was to share a “specific culture, the culture of autonomy, the fundamental cultural matrix of contemporary societies.”  Taking it to a personal level, and the autonomy of watching and decide for ourselves if this is or not acceptable whether we live or not in Iran.

In short, violence as a matter or violent information load, physical violence, violent opinions and reactions are all include in the effects of activism and how quick and popular this can be in an era when internet shorten distances and facilitates communications. Manifest opinions and protest for something that would call people’s attention is a valid way to show democracy and tolerance with those who think differently and those who might be suppress for all sort of economic or governmental power that may dictate someone’s actions unfairly.

Protests in Chile and activism through media.

thriller protest for education.

Camilla vallejos one of the head of the protests.

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