Monday, September 3, 2012


Le Jour d' Avant - Yann Tiersen

Le Jour d' Avant by Yann Tiersen  represents a huge flow of different feelings in a journey that starts in a little street in Santiago-Chile. This  is about emotions during my summer time. In the first part of the song there is a solitary accordion that later on is going to be accompanied by fairy sounds that enrich the song. On these first part on a slow tempo, mi mind goes into these world mixed with an urban scenery and some fantasy that transcends nature. These three first pictures are a reflection of  those uncertain feelings of finding a new journey that is connected with the past. As I already mention this is not a linear narrative, but more that a torrent of emotions that are a reminder of many memories throughout my life.  Following the in crescendo on the song  many instruments are exposed with  an upbeat melody, as an almost depiction of a circus, using brasses, accordions, violins,etc.
When the music is in its peak, the center piece of the photograph The kitchen, bring all the history and stories looking to a semi-open door that invites the viewer to come in and rejoice, even though now is only an abandon house. Colors in each picture are purposely orderer due to the relation with the music, mood, and  different emotions. This order is basically showing how life has so many tonalities, moods and  each one's journey has precious individuality. This reminds me part of my culture and my family history, music, food, and parties are all involved.  With that, the rhythm started decreasing and the mood is changing until getting to and almost horrific emotional outburst that rest on the last note of the song. 
The last picture is an overwhelming composition of a self portrait with everything that is going on my mind for this next step to come in my life. This may be crowded and a bit dark, but the little colors that are shown express some significance. There is a painting of a women, this is my mother and the painter of this is my father, the other colored is a symbol of my country. These two things make me go beyond any challenge or fear.  It may be and odd finale on the song of Yann Tiersen, but for me is like  being in a dream in which we are only waking up after a long lived life.  


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